Wasn’t this an interesting year? It’s felt that way personally and professionally across so many different areas; in business, the world, and across our country. Between news outlets, industry publications, social media, text messaging, email-and with a phone by us nearly 100% of the time-the noise of our world can be deafening. It can drown out our purpose and mess with our priorities if we let it.
Here at EnvirOx, we are wrapping up our annual planning meetings. 2018 has been a good year, full of surprises. Our Absolute Cleaning System launched and is on a steep growth trend. This is especially excellent given the platform’s reduction of natural resource use. Additionally, EnvirOx Marketing has reached tens of thousands of people with original content to help solve challenges, improving cleaning results and sustainability. In 2019, we are eager to do what we do? dive in, overcome challenges together and serve more customers. You may be one of those customers, a partner, or a collaborator. Thank you for walking this journey with us. Every day I am grateful to come to this place called EnvirOx where we connect, collaborate and support you and each other.
As the year ends, I find myself determined to rise above the fray to reflect, breathe a little, and pause before 2019 takes off, full speed ahead. I mention this because most of you can relate. Being in the present and carving out time to reflect does not come easily. 2018 has been a fast year. The final results are good, even though, upon reflection, many of us have witnessed and overcome hardships of all kinds along the way. I’ve also seen people rise to these challenges and provide support to one another time and time again. This is life, holding the bright and dark spots in the same space, knowing they always live there together.
Through our work, we have the gift of getting to know one another. It doesn’t matter who believes what or voted for whom. In the end, we believe in each other and what we’re working towards. I’ve found that savoring these connections is one way to slow time down a little and let our humanity cut through the noise, reminding us why we’re here.
As we navigate our ever-changing lives together, may we connect, rest, and celebrate in our shared humanity and desire to do good.
I wish you all the best in the New Year.